

Continuously Improving Our
Environmental Footprint

Caring for the environment is one of the top priorities of our daily responsibilities at all levels of management and operations.
To this end, we take into consideration in what we do and plan the impact of our operations in respect to air emissions,
dust and noise, health and safety,

We try to establish effective environmental management to measure and monitor our performance, and continuously seek to improve
and promote best practices in our plant by engaging our stakeholders and reporting publicly on compliance, performance and progress.

Health And Safety

Ensuring a safe workplace for our employees and partners is our top priority. We strive to create an incident-free environment where injuries and accidents are minimized.

We foster a culture of responsibility, where every individual and team is accountable for their own safety and the safety of their colleagues.

In addition, we adhere to the highest international standards and implement a comprehensive health and safety management system to maintain a secure and healthy workplace.

In terms of health and safety measures, Sharrcem acts in full compliance with all relevant local applicable laws and directives, and is guided by the TITAN Cement Group vision and policy.

People And Community

Sharrcem is a group of passionate individuals committed to making the world a better place through responsible business practices.

We are inspired by the TITAN Cement group's leadership in advancing social and environmental causes, and we have committed significant
resources to creating value for our stakeholders and contributing to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

We are convinced that genuine growth is only possible when we prioritize the growth of our community and society at large.

This commitment guides our daily operations and informs our decision-making processes. We recognize that our success is inextricably
linked to the well-being of those around us, and we strive to have a positive impact on our stakeholders and the world.