Open Student Day at Sharrcem: Inspiring the Next Generation of Architects!

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18 Oct

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We had the pleasure of hosting students from the Architecture Faculty of the University of Pristina “Hasan Prishtina” and the University for Business and Technology (UBT) at our Sharrcem Factory. This immersive experience allowed them to see firsthand our state-of-the-art facilities and learn about our cutting-edge processes, guided by our dedicated team.

A highlight of the day was the Frozen Music Architecture Design Competition. Through insightful presentations and an on-site tour, students gained a deeper understanding of the ongoing competition and had the unique opportunity to explore the specific area they will be redesigning—the entrance of the Sharrcem Complex

The day concluded with a vibrant cocktail reception, filled with lively conversations and the beautiful melodies of the renowned singer, Neki Emra, making for a perfect ending to an inspiring event.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us and contributed to making this day a success. We can’t wait to see the amazing designs that will emerge from this competition!

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