+383 38 768 000


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Honored citizens,

Allow us to thank you sincerely for your participation at the Local Stakeholder Engagement Forum held on the 6th of May, 2014 at the House of Culture in Hani i Elezit.
We would like to inform you that the contact person for whatever question or request for additional information regarding the
LAB (Laboratori për Aktivitete të Biznesit), will be, Mr. Adnan Vila, that can be contacted using the info below:
E-mail: adnan.vila@sharrcem.com
Tel. +383 49 757 368

Thank you again and we hope to hear from you!

CSR Sharrcem Team

LAB Reports

LAB Report – 2019

LAB Report – 2018

LAB Report – 2017

LAB Report – 2016

LAB Report – 2015

LAB Report – 2014

ILAB (Independent Local Advisory Board)

With the goal of strengthening transparency and direct involvement of key stakeholders, Sharrcem’ s Management proceeded with the foundation of a Local Community Advisory Board . This board was designed to serve as a liaison between the Community and Sharrcem in order to streamline the company‘s support activities toward the local society. The board is made up of different community stakeholders as well as two Sharrcem employees of middle management level and residents of Hani i Elezit, and is responsible for the understanding of the needs and proposals filed by local stakeholders for financial support by the company, as well as the fair distribution of Sharrcem funds dedicated to Community Development. This resulted in many different local initiatives that improved the situation both for the community and the company.

This partnership was created to improve communication and collaboration between Sharrcem and the community where it operates. The primary objectives were to create a collaborative and transparent initiative that would establish a partnership between the company and the stakeholders so the community development funds would be better allocated and invested. By tradition, a lot of requests for help and support were addressed to the company which used to tender its assistance on a rather arbitrary basis for the previous ten years. The idea was that, through this partnership, a positive impact for all would be created, by involving the local community and giving them the responsibility of a fair response to the local needs, while at the same time strengthening the ties between the community and the company.

The scope of the ILAB is to detect and prioritize the needs of the Community and allocate accordingly, on a unanimous decision basis, the funds assigned by Sharrcem for the improvement of the community living standards in three main directions: Safety, Environment and Education. On top, the ILAB is allowed to allocate funds to philanthropy in those cases it judges necessary. The ILAB has been in operation since 2011 and has developed the ability to decide with unanimity and a high degree of involvement and collaboration. The ILAB meets in the Municipal facilities and enjoys an excellent reputation and support from the Authority and the citizens alike. A number of projects have been proposed and concluded through the ILAB process in principal, in the Environment, Infrastructure and Safety fields.

On the Education side Sharrcem has also lunched a distinct initiative with the Basic Education School in Hani i Elezit. It has to be stated that, on a case by case basis, Sharrcem also directly adds supplementary funds to those ILAB’s projects that are deemed to be of specific environmental or safety weight and match the priorities of the Company. An open and continuous dialogue has been developed immediately after the first couple of Board meetings. These exchanges of views and information have been actually extended to deeper organizational levels both in the Municipality and the Company. Through such communication, the local authorities and citizens, for the first time, have better understood the manner the plant operates in and discussed the priorities of the community. In turn, Sharrcem’s employees and management also had the opportunity to obtain a clear view of the constraints the local society faces, thus confirming and adapting its CSR strategy.

In fact, the new long term strategy of the Company is based on the analysis of the data and feedback of the Board’s work. The Board, based on a unanimous voting method, distributes funds to projects and actions for the benefit of the Local Community. All ILAB decisions are documented and kept in the municipality and company files. The members appointed in this Board by relevant stakeholder groups include:
the Chairperson of the Municipal Assembly, the Municipal Director for Economic Development, the Municipal Director for Urbanism and Cadastre, the Director of QKMF (from the Medical Center), an Imam (from the Religious Community), an Employee from the Education Sector, a Private Citizen (Businessperson) and 2 Sharrcem Representatives. We wish to extend our gratitude to the municipality of Hani i Elezit for its support and contribution to the success of the ILAB.

For 2012, the funding of the ILAB was 33.550 € out of a total of 156.955 € in social contributions.